I’m a professional manga writer living in Atlanta, Georgia. Before I was a writer, I was just a bird. I came up with the League of Extraordinary Super Niggas back in November of 2019. I decided to create the LESN because society has become ignorant to concept of "context". Your reality is innately just that...YOUR REALITY. Its nobody else's. People can't re-create ones own reality for others. Making assumptions based off your own perspective and reality of others is both understandable but yet, ignorant at the same time.
Social media shows us that even though we have the power to communicate with others in seconds; in order to solve some of the most difficult and complex problems in history, but we choose to use it for clout and to ridicule or silence people we disagree with. Most times we often do it without even making an effort of even trying to understand. A person's own ego clouds their judgement into believing that their "idea" is a perfect "good". Remember, perfection in any form of the mind is a contradiction in itself, but people forget the word "perfect" is just an adjective, in order to convey EXPRESSION. Any form of emotions we convey are not perfect.
The word NIGGA, is in the title for that very reason. Some people will see the name and think bad, some good, and others in between, before even reading the comic. I understand why people might feel all of the above, but those who decide to judge it before trying to understand the context of the series are ignorant. The LESN is a lesson within itself.